Monday 26 January 2015

Physics Ball Bounce - Flipbook Exercise

Critical Evaluation

This is my Physics Ball Bounce flipbook exercise. I drew the frames on post notes, scanned them and used Adobe Photoshop to crop and align them better. Furthermore, I masked some parts of the image in order to only contain the pages on the screen, and finally composited the video using Adobe After Effects.

Spacing is the most succesful element of this animation, because the poses of the ball stand off from each other gradually as the sphere reaches the ground, and the opposite as it reaches the air again. This distance between the frames, creates the slow in and slow out, giving the impression of weight, acceleration as it falls and deceleration as it rises. In addition, the alignment using the software could possibly improve the spacing.

Nevertheless, that was an interesting example of spacing and weight. The flipbook exercise could help in later, more complex projects using software, because it was a great opportunity for experimenting with these factors when drawing the sphere poses on the post notes.

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